
Water any time, all the time: rural water services at every doorstep 2021

Modular Piped Water System Setup “WaterTime”

Public Toilet Rehabilitation, Kalongo, Agago

Gulpers used in Faecal Sludge Management (FSM)

A field officer demonstrating how to mix herbicides

A farmer learning platform being planted for weed management treatment opened by spraying and digging respectively

Selection and Training of Adolescent Peer Educators and Child Mothers

Angetta Cooperative Store constructed by AFSRT(Funded by the Embassy of Japan in

Youth groups at TAF farm learning different improved methods of rabbit, poultry and goat rearing respectively in  Lira District

Youth group members taking learning at fish pond at TAF farm, Lira

Youth getting more knowledge on apiculture at TAF farm in Lira

Youth at World Food Day celebration at Ngetta ZARDI in Lira city where they were embracing different farming technologies

A team from Namulonge research station inspecting and training farmers on how to produce quality seeds

AFSRT vehicle delivering the Agsun sunflower seeds from Ngetta holdings to farmer in Aboko Coop

The proprietor of Ngetta Holdings with AFSRT directors admiring the Agsun variety of sunflower and Agsun with good germination in the field

A small sunflower bulking center for Apurgom in Inomo, Apac District

Bokasi materials (charcoal dust, maize brand, rice brand, top soil and manure) ready for mixing

Pile materials being turned for uniform mixture

Lead farmers doing formulation of organic pesticide and plant tea

Super magro prepared in air tight drum to be ready for used after 30 days

Native Microbes prepared in air tight drum ready to be used after 30 days

Multiplication garden for beans

Soybean multiplication garden

Youth groups receiving apiculture kits

Monitoring visit to farmer groups by district, sub county officials and AFSRT team

Youth groups receiving improved cocks for crossbreeding with local chicken

Improved kitchen garden

Farmers staking their tomato plants

District official at one of the maize cribs constructed

Youth groups receiving VSLA kits

Beneficiary groups receiving sanitizing equipment and face masks

Water harvesting tank constructed in Aduku Sub-County

Tree nursery raised

Financial literacy training conducted by Post Bank Uganda (FI)

Beneficiaries receiving cassava cutting for multiplication

Farmers hosting wood lots jubilating while they receive tree seedling for planting

Participants during group work session on agro – ecological (training) 

Mr. Okello David of Obanga Akica group very delighted while loading tree seedling

AFSRT’s staff demonstrating on how to make liquid manure 

Community Base Trainers jubilating with their hands out after DRR and CCA training

Demonstration on compose manure making

Abukamola Drama group during soya beans harvest

Harvest of soya beans

Abukamola Drama group transporting their soya beans home for threshing

Farmers transporting soya beans

Ogen Obanga group members signing attendant list after harvest and transportation

Bar opiro women group during Post Harvest handling training session

Pit Tek farmer group threshing soya beans

Cassava multiplication garden

Group leaders of Abukamola drama inspecting the yield of their cassava

Bar Opiro Women Group during their soya beans planting

Abukamola Drama Group during their share out

AFSRT staff during his filed monitoring

Bar Opiro Women Group’s Community-based Trainer monitoring the soya beans multiplication site

Sunflower performance in the demonstration gardens at different stages

Sunflower field with heads being dried

A woman carrying harvested sunflower for threshing

A woman carrying harvested sunflower for threshing

Sunflower being threshed and plant residues being ploughed back to avoid taking nutrients away from the garden

A woman winnowing to clean the sunflower

Farmer group members attending FAAB training

AFSRT supervisor stressing on cross-cutting issues

VODP 2 team for a field visit with one of the groups in Oyam District

AFSRT staffs meeting a farmer group in Kaberamaido District

Hub coordinator, AFSRT staffs and farmers inspecting the demo gardens