Enhancement of sustainable development to individuals, households, groups and communities to manage their resources by participatory sustainable rural livelihood interventions


  1. Development of the guideline for implementation, then empower the cooperatives to effectively manage their operations (business development).
  2. Link the cooperative to relevant development partners.
  3. Make available improved agricultural technologies (seeds, post-harvest handling kits, farm implements and tools).
  4. Strengthening AFSRT business department.
  5. Lobby for government and international bodies.
  6. Follow ups on technology adoption.
  7. Make available sustainable WASH technologies and services {drilling wells, springs protection , low costs water pumps, rain water harvesting system, VIP latrines, dry box, pour flash toilets tippy taps and others like sanihub (durasan, satopan, tiger toilet) etc} and training demand driven latrine masons and hand-pump mechanics.
  8. To empower the water management committees and hand pump mechanic associations to effectively manage water resources.
  9. Formation and training of school health clubs on WASH.
  10. Sensitisation and training individuals, communities and groups on energy saving technology options.
  11. Make available improved energy saving technologies (improved cook stoves, biogas, solar, briquettes).
  12. Mobilisation, formation and strengthening platforms.